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New babies!


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Thanks all. My husband just told me that he watched it move early in the morning and it looked like it kept collapsing in itself every now and then, so he made sure it was in a warm enough spot and the water dish was full. I'm not blaming the seller, as the other 2 arrived in perfect health, but considering that it looked dead on arrival and seemed quite weak, I think it just wasn't ready to travel yet (it looked freshly molted) and maybe got too cold and/or dry in transit.


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The cork bark has finally arrived, so I could "pimp" the newbies' enclosures.
G. Actaeon looking very pretty. It's quite calm and didn't bother much with me opening its tub


A. Amazonica. Crawled on my hand and sat there while I put the bark in, then leapt onto a leaf. It's like a little jumping spider.



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Malton, UK
Those containers look great now, I'm sure they'll be 2 very happy little Ts :)


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Those containers look great now, I'm sure they'll be 2 very happy little Ts :)
Thanks, I hope so. The little Avic hasn't taken a meal yet, but it's early days yet. It has webbed quite a bit though, so I take that as a good sign it's settling alright. It looks nice and plump (although it's difficult to tell with all those bristles, lol), so it might actually treat me to a molt. I was a little worried about the recommended size of tub being too big, but I've read in a lot of web pages, that these species can do with a bit more space to hunt.


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Sorry to hear of your loss @Fuzzball79. As I am also ordering slings at that size, I am fervently praying that they will arrive safe come Wednesday.

Also looking up on setups for little ones so I stumbled on to your thread. Nice enclosures by the way. :)


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Sorry to hear of your loss @Fuzzball79. As I am also ordering slings at that size, I am fervently praying that they will arrive safe come Wednesday.

Also looking up on setups for little ones so I stumbled on to your thread. Nice enclosures by the way. :)

I'm sure they'll be fine. My LP wasn't that much bigger than the B. Smithi and he's doing great and is now nearly 1" LS. My B. Boehmei was a little bigger (maybe double) and he's now a strutting juvenile with all his adult colours.

I took my boys to the cinema and found that the smaller popcorn tubs will make excellent enclosures for when the Avic is a bit bigger. I got funny looks when carrying 2 empty tubs out of the cinema instead of binning them, lol.


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I think my A. Amazonica is in premolt. It's hard to find many pictures of this species as slings to compare, but it looked a lot lighter in colour when I first got it. Its legs are quite dark grey now and it's not eating, so fingers crossed.

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