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Molting Emergency!

Tongue Flicker

Active Member
3 Year Member
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
So apparently my C.darlingi was in premolt (shown no signs whatsoever). This morning she finished 90% of her molt with one problem. I think one or two of her legs is stuck in the old exuvium. I could see her move different spots from time to time while dragging the old exuv along. I rarely have emergencies with any animal i have. If i do, they are either unusual or unheard of. I've researched for almost an hour now and so far most cases like this mostly happens to slings or post molt males. My baboon is neither.

Any thoughts? :D


This is me trying to be calm lol


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Either up the humidity a bit or else carefully move her to a wet icu and try get some water on the legs that are stuck. Obviously difficult, but try to make it as unstressful as possible.


Active Member
3 Year Member
Washington State, US
Water is your best friend. We've used an baby medicine dropper to get a small amount of water onto an exuvium that stayed attached to the spinnerets one time. It worked like a charm and the old skin fell of in less than 15 mins.

Tongue Flicker

Active Member
3 Year Member
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
Good news guys! She got the exuv off!! I was really surprised. She got like 3 or 3 semi-damaged legs but i know she'll pull thru. She's a fighter alright! Will post pics as soon as our class reunion is over :D

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