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Hello newbie here.


New Member
Southern California
Hello everyone i'm new to the hobby, but I've always loved spiders.
I have had dozens of pet local spiders like black widows and brown recluse.
I've watched hundreds of tarantula videos on YouTube and when my wife and I were wandering around a local reptile shop I decided to purchase my first tarantula! I purchased a cute young Avicularia avicularia.

Shortly after purchasing the pink toe I was wandering around the same reptile shop and the shop owner offered me a fantastic deal on a Theraphosa stirmi, I understood that it was a very difficult species to take care of but i'm very confident that i'll be able to learn and grow with my tarantulas. The deal was too good not to take!

Also a local fellow hobbyist that I met on Instagram gave me a Psalmopoeus irminia spiderling.

I'm definitely going to have lots of questions in my new hobby and i'm very glad I found this forum, hopefully everybody here is helpful and kind.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
Hello and welcome to the addiction. You've definitely found the right forum, we're a very friendly, helpful bunch :)