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G rosea help fast please


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
MY G rosea that I got a few month ago needs help. It white moldish looking lines on in prosoma. I have moved it away from my other tarantul. But i want to know is there anything i can do. Also the line are thin and only seeable under light. I have no camra that can pic them up. PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I have changed here cage now and I do kepp here with freash water i over flow it ever 3 day 2 times then let it dry out and begain agian. She is fasting tho has for the 3 month i have had here but that is normal for roseas right. Also thank you for the link and reply


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
She is doing alot better it went away when i changed the cage. I did it when i first got her about three month ago to but i guess for her cage ill do it about ever two month to avoid this happening again.


Active Member
3 Year Member
I would stop overflowing the water dish all together. There is no need for it and can lead to mold. It is recommended to keep roseas bone dry with a water dish present. Adding moisture anywhere else will do nothing but harm.
What type of cage is it in? It may not be getting enough ventilation either. Mine have a completely screened top. It gives them plenty of ventilation. I never add extra moisture to their cages either and they are doing exceptionally well.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Thank you ill just keep the dish for the humitdty tho if it doesnt need over flowed


Active Member
3 Year Member
South Africa
Yes, no overflowing of the water dish. I keep my female G.Rosea on dry substrate with the humidity round about 60-65% and she is absolutely fine...And might I add that she has not fasted once in nearly 2 years...