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Tliltocatl vagans juvenile male

Tliltocatl vagans juvenile male

This is Raymond, and he hates everything.
Cheeky kid. You think that he'll outgrow this? Or is this just who we is at this point and it's going to stay this way?
Not sure. My spiders tend to be strange, my curly hair thinks she is an old world fossorial! In fact, I see my hystrocrates gigas more than I see my T.albo. To add to that my showiest T is my P.irminia, and I can always count on her to be out and about even in daylight hours.
Not sure. My spiders tend to be strange, my curly hair thinks she is an old world fossorial! In fact, I see my hystrocrates gigas more than I see my T.albo. To add to that my showiest T is my P.irminia, and I can always count on her to be out and about even in daylight hours.
This just goes to show you the importance of each individual being of any sort being an individual. I actually first decided to get the curly hairs because I thought they were quite mild-tempered.. The first one I got was
Lasiodorides polycuspilatus because that one's supposed to be pretty gentle too. I'll see how it goes as they get older. Mine might not play out at all to be what I expect them to be.

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samsung SM-A305F
Focal length
3.9 mm
Exposure time
1/100 second(s)
File size
2.6 MB
Date taken
Fri, 19 November 2021 9:48 PM
4608px x 3456px

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