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Scolopocryptops gracilis -Slender Bark centipede

Scolopocryptops gracilis -Slender Bark centipede

Blind and fossorial, these centipedes live in rotting wood and feed on larvae. They are easily kept in moist coco fiber.
Here's a dumb question. Can it be held?
I like holding things and cuddling them. Its unfortunate I cannot with my spooders though
Here's a dumb question. Can it be held?
I like holding things and cuddling them. Its unfortunate I cannot with my spooders though
they are nervous and extremely bitey, they're also intensely photophobic (light-fearing) so they dont calm down like scolopendra do with regular handling. they're easily kept, regardless, and apparently this genus can be housed communally as well.
they are nervous and extremely bitey, they're also intensely photophobic (light-fearing) so they dont calm down like scolopendra do with regular handling. they're easily kept, regardless, and apparently this genus can be housed communally as well.
I honestly know nothing about these guys. I'm a first time spooder mom... pink toe and a curly hair... been researching my butt off and @octanejunkie and @Oursapoil has been super helpful and very nice and patient with me.
If you can get him to pay for them then I would say this is a win-win arrangement

This ∆∆∆
Haha maaaaybe in the far future... meaning not any time soon. BUT I dont trust fed ex down here because he doesnt want to do his job and deliver to our address so we have to go to dollar general to get our packages... ups we don't have a problem with.

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Myriopoda- Chilopoda
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