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  1. EightDeadlySins


    Haploclastus devamatha 1" slings $105/ea Psalmopoeus victori .5" slings $45/ea Flat Rate $60 shipping (US Only) Official Website
  2. Psalmopoeus cambridgei

    Psalmopoeus cambridgei

    This is my second try with this specie, and she has grown so much. She's almost as big as my victori <3
  3. IRMINIA_rgb300_flt.jpg


    P irminia MF
  4. Out For a Stroll

    Out For a Stroll

    Can you see why I named my p. reduncus Happy Feet? Happy molted several weeks back and couldn't help but snap a pic of her orange smile.
  5. Too Good

    Too Good

    Everyone, meet Heart Attack or as I call them, HA. Too good for their water dish so I have to drizzle the glass every 3 days.
  6. Happy Feet Relaxing

    Happy Feet Relaxing

    Happy is a Psalmopoeus Reduncus. I love her so much! Well it's not confirmed through molt since she destroyed most of it, waiting for another to look at but it to confirm my suspicions. She's probably one of my relaxed babies, up there with Izzy.