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Recent content by ZhMkyi

  1. Z

    Goliath Bird Eater Handling

    I'm sorry for the stupid question as, again, this is a first for me ;):p But thank you to everyone for the advice lol Even the people I bought him from (At an ecto expo from a breeder) had said that some can be handled. I know that most in Mygalomorphae tend to be more aggressive, but have heard...
  2. Z

    Goliath Bird Eater Handling

    Hey, Everyone! So I'm going to apologise now, I don't know if this is the right place for this post as I am very new. If something is wrong, please let me know! I found myself the proud owner of a Goliath Bird Eating Spider about a month ago. He's (I don't actually know the sex, just picked...