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Recent content by izzp99

  1. izzp99

    Tarantula wont molt

    Hi does this look like my t is in premolt ? She's been like this for roughly a month, she's been eating less but her abdomen just keeps getting bigger and she's getting more and more bold spots as the days go on
  2. izzp99


    Hey just to respond to this, I've personally never kept a T in an exo terra because of what I've heard about there being a possibly of the T getting stuck if they climb onto the mesh. I did however want to say that my curlyahair got stuck in her current enclosure because she climbed up so high...
  3. izzp99


    Which of these would be better for an adult tarantula, curlyhair and a whiteknee tarantula. One is acrylic the other glass. I'm worried that the glass one won't have enough ventilation
  4. izzp99

    Enclosure size

    Yes I'll be adding a lot of substrate
  5. izzp99

    Enclosure size

    Would a 20x10x11 be ok or is that too narrow
  6. izzp99

    Enclosure size

    Hello everyone! What would be the appropriate size enclosure for an adult white knee tarantula and an adult curlyhair ??
  7. izzp99

    Tarantula gender

    I find it so difficult to tell if its a male or female and the info online doesn't help much either. Feels like every source says something else. Thank you though
  8. izzp99

    Tarantula gender

    Help? Any ideas on the gender of this tarantula?
  9. izzp99

    Substrate Advise

    I need advise on substrate... eveytime I make a new enclosures with coco fibre substrate I get mold everywhere and fungus gnats because of how wet the substrate stays. Would it be better to change the substrate to something else or should I add more ventilation to the enclosures?
  10. izzp99

    C. Versicolor sling

    My c. Versicolor sling died randomly. Last night it was fed and I saw it eat, today in the morning I went to check on it at it was on the floor of the enclosure. There was no signs of something being wrong with it so I'm not sure what could have caused this
  11. izzp99

    Advise on decor

    Great thank you so much :)
  12. izzp99

    Advise on decor

    Opinions on having medium sized seashells in tarantula enclosures purely for aesthetic reasons
  13. izzp99

    Grammostola pulchra sling

    My grammostola pulchra sling has been in hiding for about a month. I decided to check on it today and this is what I found, any idea why this would have happened
  14. izzp99

    Leaf litter

    Is it safe to use peace lilys leafs as leaf litter in a tarantulas enclosure?
  15. izzp99

    U.K. Hyllus giganteus

    Does anyone know where I could get a hyllus giganteus from in the UK?