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Recent content by Dustin Hester

  1. D

    New Grammostola Iheringi

    Never seen them drink till now
  2. D

    Blue baboon

    Is it able to bu Is it able to burrow well in that mixture?
  3. D

    Blue baboon

    I think I will change the substrate to coco fibre. And is it only coco fibre you use or is it a mix? I need something that it can burrow in.
  4. D

    Blue baboon

    I will try to get a picture when it is active Tonight. And why not use vermiculite?
  5. D

    Blue baboon

    Thanks. Maybe the substrate isn't solid enough to burrow
  6. D

    Blue baboon

    A few days ago I got a blue baboon and was wondering if there is anything I should know. I know they love to dig, but he is just sitting in the top corner of the glass. The substrate is coco fibre and vermiculite. I'm worried that he won't come down. He is only 1.5".