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Recent content by Brandon Fox

  1. Brandon Fox

    Handling T's

    The friend that i acquired the T from had her since she was a spiderling
  2. Brandon Fox

    Handling T's

    HI guys Thanks for all your replies; very appreciated, really useful information I feel like the best thing to do is to just leave my T in her enclosure, there is no risk to her or me
  3. Brandon Fox

    Handling T's

    Hi I have acquired an 8 year old female Chilean rose, I have never handled a T, however i do want to handle her however i have my concerns and do not want to put her at risk. Any advice?
  4. Brandon Fox


    Hi guys, I am a new member and a beginner of the hobby. Just thought I'd show a few pictures of my first tarantula. Her name is Tina, 8 years old and I have had her since the 16th of December 2014