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Weird B. Hamorii behaviour?


Helsinki, Finland
So I've had my B. Hamorii over a month, and she's always been pretty curious about her enclosure. She explores it, but often by climbing. Now, I find it funny, because she is a terrestrial.

There are days when she is just walking around on the substrate or hiding in her cave. Then there are days like this, when she is climbing like crazy. Yesterday I found her upside down on the roof of the enclosure. Today she's been climbing on the walls and on the fake plants.

I got concerned after her being upside down. Is this normal? Thanks!


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The Oregon rain forest
Theyre tarantulas....thats what they do!!!! :D Just make sure there's nothing hard to land on or a long distance to fall. I use alot of fake plants and moss in my enclosures.


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Malton, UK
I have a Pterinopelma sazimai that seems to play a game which involves climbing up onto the lid of its container and dropping off, landing on its back, flipping over and then doing it over and over again. Luckily it is only just over 1", can only fall 1" onto web and substrate but it is so comical to watch. :D


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Baltimore MD
Tarantulas may climb because they don't like the substrate, totally if it's too moist or has vermaculite. If there is loud "music" with strong vibrations from a lower floor, they might get off of the substrate. Feeders in the substrate + lack of interest in good can also do this.

The grunts of the orc do not concern me, but sadly my Ts don't have the ability to ignore it.

Another reason they climb up to the highest point is that they are too cold. Ts go for height and light when cold and down and dark when hot regardless of where the cold or heat source actually is.

Even my arboreal ones don't hang out upside down on the lid unless they are chasing a feeder over the screen which seldom happens.

I'd investigate further to see if the T just happens to do that because of an inborn tendency or if something is literally driving it up the wall.
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Baltimore MD
They also climb when temp or humidity change. Climbing to vents is common.

That means the humidity is to high or you need more ventilation. While sudden bursts of air bother a T, they will usually ignore gentle breezes, which is one way to reduce humidity within a cage without pulling the tarantula out. Again GENTLE breeze is what you need.


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Outside San Antonio, TX
Plenty of ventilation on my end. They're regulating. You can keep dry species arid but it requires other heat sources. No matter how many vent holes you have, if the ambient humidity is 60 in the room, and outside humidity rises to 100, its going to raise humidity in your room, as well. Maybe not to 100, but significantly, unless you stay inside and never open your doors or windows.. Thats all it takes to make one climb. Ive seen it many times. I believe the theory is sound. :D


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Baltimore MD
I would install a window mounted AC unit. Even the smallest one can radically change things for the better. They'll pull out a lot of humidity not just higher temps. Shoot for a temperature of 75 to 76 degrees.

Many actually do better in the low 80s with low humidity but mid 70s won't make much of a difference.

The lower humidity will also benefit humans greatly as well.