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Mesh size question


My 1"/ 2.2 cm c. darlingi sling Anansi has nearly outgrown her 10cm cube so if she'll take a larger food item today I'll move her up to a 20cm cube soon and if not I'll wait until she molts again. I'm building it as I can't find anything just right and looking at fine stainless steel mesh for ventilation. It needs to be fine enough that she won't get her feet stuck but not so fine that airflow is reduced and that she may be able to bust through when she's larger, this will be her longish term temporary home until she's a big enough juvi or sub adult to go into her home for life. I'm looking at hole sizes of 0.56 mm, 0.4 mm, and 0.26 mm. What would you recommend as safest for her now and in the future?


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