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Is this illegal


Active Member
MO usa
Hi, I have a hisser (Madagascan hissing ****roach) and was hoping to breed them and my friend who live in a state next to mine would love some and so I was wondering if it’s illegal to randomly ship ****roach’s or do you need something like a permit and do you have to use fedex or can you do it through United States postal service?


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
That is the forum removing naughty words. It is automatic. So in the future you can abbreviate it to roach, or spell it out and have **** or use the scientific name.
I think I tried different variations to see what would slip through but decided not to test my luck too much. Best not to irritate the powers that be.

I can’t remember if I tried penisroach (pen*sroach or pen!sroach) or not. We’ll find out…
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Well-Known Member
Plymouth UK
I can’t remember if I tried penisroach (pen*sroach or pen!sroach) or not. We’ll find out…
Lol, how is that ^^^ better than c*ckroach :D

To actually answer op's question...you would need to check your states postal rules. And the state that you're sending too.
Here in the UK we can put inverts in the normal post no issues. I know in the US different states can have different lists of animals that are allowed.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Lodi, NJ USA
Hi, I have a hisser (Madagascan hissing ****roach) and was hoping to breed them and my friend who live in a state next to mine would love some and so I was wondering if it’s illegal to randomly ship ****roach’s or do you need something like a permit and do you have to use fedex or can you do it through United States postal service?
My experience is that you do not need any special permit to ship hissers. I get them from eBay and they arrive regular mail/USPS (I live in NJ). Still, I advise checking local and state laws... it might depend on what kind of roach and what is the state of origin and where is it's final destination. Hissers arent like red-runners, which are banned in certain states like Florida, because the can cause serious infestation if they escape and start breeding.

Hope this helps!

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