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I'm visiting a family member...


New Member
3 Year Member
I'm going out of town tomorrow to visit a family member for a couple of days. I've agreed to leave Pierre with my older brother. I'm a little nervous even though I know he'll take care of him. This will be my first time ever being away from my little T for 3 whole days. :(


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
This brings up some good points. What instructions do you leave when you're having someone else care for your tarantula? What kind of stuff do you leave behind to help the person take care of your T? Do you take your enclosure to someone else's house or do you leave it at home and give the caretaker a key?
I bet there's even some folks here who travel WITH their tarantula! If you do, chime in and let us know about the logistics of that!


3 Year Member
Palatine, Illinois
If your gone for a week or two I would just ask someone to mist them every other day. I don't have any friends that would consider feeding my T's at all so a vacation longer than two weeks is out of the question. I wouldn't think of putting a responsibility like that on someone either. I have 9 T's so it's a bit different, I also wouldn't chance anyone feeding several of them unless it was me considering their speed and bite potency.

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