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O. diamantinensis

O. diamantinensis

freshly moulted and rehoused juvie.
I'll have to tell U. Bolt that he has a sibling (sister?)
I'm hoping to get a gf lined up for him when he matures, providing I've sexed the moult right :) How quickly do the females mature Phil? jk Lol
is Spinder still a thing?
I'll have to tell U. Bolt that he has a sibling (sister?)
I'm hoping to get a gf lined up for him when he matures, providing I've sexed the moult right :) How quickly do the females mature Phil? jk Lol
is Spinder still a thing?
if they are from the same sac they will mature at different rates anyway (nature's way of making sure siblings do not reproduce). Not sure on this species tbh. I would say 3 to 4 years with being a dwarf species?
'Spinder' is my retirement plan....ha ha
if they are from the same sac they will mature at different rates anyway (nature's way of making sure siblings do not reproduce). Not sure on this species tbh. I would say 3 to 4 years with being a dwarf species?
'Spinder' is my retirement plan....ha ha

Yeah I remember finding that out a while back.
Not sure about the females but when I looked into males maturity rates, several sources said fast...as in 1 year approx. Will have to wait to see if that holds up with Mr Bolt.
Spinder is a genius idea, brilliantly named :D
Yeah I remember finding that out a while back.
Not sure about the females but when I looked into males maturity rates, several sources said fast...as in 1 year approx. Will have to wait to see if that holds up with Mr Bolt.
Spinder is a genius idea, brilliantly named :D
I have had them since Feb 19 so assuming a couple of months old as slings, they are approx 12 months old now?

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Phil's Ts in 2019
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samsung SM-A705FN
Focal length
3.9 mm
Exposure time
1/100 second(s)
File size
2.9 MB
Date taken
Wed, 11 December 2019 10:09 PM
4032px x 3024px

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