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GarField's Tarantula Picture - Video - Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Well. I will just put pictures from my animals here. Mainly pictures. Will first feature one by one and than how they have grown.
Later I will just update the pictures .... bare with me as I have many T's.
I won't overflow all in one day but a few per day until i'm all up 2 date :D.

Species I have:

Acanthoscurria geniculata
Aphonopelma hentzi
Avicularia variegata
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma albopilosum "nicaragua"
Brachypelma auratum
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma hamorii
Brachypelma kahlenbergi
Brachypelma klaasi
Brachypelma vagans
Bumba cabocla
Caribena laeta
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Grammostola pulchra
Grammostola pulchripes
Hapalopus spec.Colombia big
Hapalopus triseriatus
Harpactira pulchripes
Idiothele mira
Lasiodara striatipes
Neoholothele incei "gold"
Nhandu chromatus
Nhandu tripepii
Orphnaecus philippinus
Phormictopus atrichomatus
Phormictopus auratus
Phormingochilus sp.Rufus
Poecilotheria rufilata
Psalmopoeus victori
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Pterinopelma sazimai
Stromatopelma calceatum
Theraphosa blondi

Species I still have my eyes on:
Grammostola iheringi (it's in order, but waiting for confirmed female).
Poecilotheria metallica

Species i'm looking into:
Haplopelma hainanum / Cyriopagopus hainanus
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Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
As for my first species .......
Acanthoscurria geniculata
I have 2 slings and they are growing good. Last week I got a female in a mysterybox but no pictures yet.
I started with T's with a B.auratum but no pictures ... it turned out to be male.
The I start with this these ..... (2 be honest I started with a female but she got sick and died .. after that I was done with T's for a year or 2 .....)

They where very tiny as you can see in the picture. I started with 3 but one died during a molt.






Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Ok, one more for today :D

I have 9 different ones, but almost all are small slings.
I got a B.emilia as juvi female

I have a B.kahlenbergi that has a little size

The B. hamorii is about the same size, but no pictures yet (got him last weekend)

All the other ones are still very small slings. Not much off a picture.


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3 Year Member
I like treespiders. I got 5 C.versicolor but they all didn't make it.
Tried different types off enclosures .... dry, wet, lot off ventilation ..... Nothing.
As a freebee I got a Avicularia variegata. She's doing absolutely great.


I also have a Caribena laeta. But after I put her in I never saw her again. The food disapears so she must be there somewhere.



Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Not to long ago I also bought a trapdoor spider.
Idiothele mira.


This one didn't make a door yet. She sits in the premade hole I made, or in the hole she dig herself.

Last weekend I bought a second one. This one is one shed further along and you already see it's amazing colours it will get.


I can't find her anymore so she made a door :D ......
I got her last weekend and the picture is from right after I put her in.
The next day I give her a redrunner and made the hole a bit bigger .....
She obvious liked it as she made a door .....


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I also got a Lasiodara striatipes. Not sure why I didn't get the LP, but this one is less sold ....

When I get her a few months ago she run on my arms, back and then back to my other arm and straight into her new home :D.


She molted once with me, and waiting for the next mold as she is fat at the moment.
This pic is after the first molt with me.



Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Last weekend at the reptile show I bought 12 !!!! new ones. So these will show up here once I make pictures off them ......

I also made a trade with a friend. I breed my own snakes and she liked one off mine.
She had a spider she didn't want anymore so that was a quick trade.

Pterinopelma sazimai
After a 2 days settling into her new home I gave her some food.


We think it's female but I'll have to check on it's molt.

I already had 2 small slings so maybe one off them will be male so I can breed them.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I have a bedroom what I use for the babysnakes I breed.
I changed it to a spidersden :) ...... I have a heater to warm the place up.

For now there are 2 spots where I put the spiders ...



There a few more on this spot now.

I ordered home made cages for them.
These are ready for shipping now ... I will get them this saturday.

I can't use them yet as the Ts are to small ... but I wanted all from the same company as they will be in the same style/build.


The bottom 4 will be for the treespiders when they are large enough.
The middle 2 are big ones .... 1 for the A.geniculata and one for the Lasiadora.
But hey have to grow into it :D.
The top 4 are "normal" ones. these are the first 3, more will come later this year or begining 2020.
These 3 will be occupied by the B.emilia, N.tripepii and T.blondi females.
The T.Blondi will get an enclosure bigger than the 2 big ones toghether on this picture ... but for now it's still occupied by my bearded dragon grandpa.

So. I think we are up to speed with all. Next posts will be new pictures.

And offcourse .. if you have any questions just post here ..... It doesn't have to be a pic only thread.


Well-Known Member
Walsall west Midlands england
Well. I will just put pictures from my animals here. Mainly pictures. Will first feature one by one and than how they have grown.
Later I will just update the pictures .... bare with me as I have many T's.
I won't overflow all in one day but a few per day until i'm all up 2 date :D.

Species I have:

Acanthoscurria geniculata
Aphonopelma hentzi
Avicularia variegata
Brachypelma albiceps
Brachypelma albopilosum "nicaragua"
Brachypelma auratum
Brachypelma boehmei
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma hamorii
Brachypelma kahlenbergi
Brachypelma klaasi
Brachypelma vagans
Bumba cabocla
Caribena laeta
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
Grammostola pulchra
Grammostola pulchripes
Hapalopus spec.Colombia big
Hapalopus triseriatus
Harpactira pulchripes
Idiothele mira
Lasiodara striatipes
Neoholothele incei "gold"
Nhandu chromatus
Nhandu tripepii
Orphnaecus philippinus
Phormictopus atrichomatus
Phormictopus auratus
Phormingochilus sp.Rufus
Poecilotheria rufilata
Psalmopoeus victori
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Pterinopelma sazimai
Stromatopelma calceatum
Theraphosa blondi

Species I still have my eyes on:
Grammostola iheringi (it's in order, but waiting for confirmed female).
Poecilotheria metallica

Species i'm looking into:
Haplopelma hainanum / Cyriopagopus hainanus
Which is your fav t in your collection.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Which is your fav t in your collection.
Well .... I can't say .... Even a top 10 would be very hard. Some off the new ones are 'new' so not much behaviours I have learned.
I do have a special bond with the tiny B.boehmei. When he was just a little hairless pinpoint he already raised his butt when I wanted to feed hem. He ran away from live food so I gave him dead ones and he ate every time. After his shed he started making tunnels in his enclosure and attacks everything live I throw in there ..... he runs in his tunnels but comes out again very quick. (and somehow I alwyas refer to him as a he and the othters with she :D).

the N.incei "gold" is an amazing looking animal with those webbing housing she made. She is always out and stays out untill I touch the enclosure. Somethimes only the butt is outside :D.

gbb's are also very, very awesome. Good eaters .... fun webbing but not as thick as the N.incei.

The velvet looks off the G.pulchra ...... it make me drewl .... so amazing .......

The beatufiul colours in the trapdoor I.mira ..... if you come in the room their legs are outside waiting for food.

All the good eating off the Brachypelma's ...... and the colours.

I like red butts so I can't wait for my G.iheringi ..... I once had one but he died during the hot summer we had. I realy need one ... crown in the collection. Very black with a red butt .... awesome.

A.geniculata's .... good looking and amazing foodresponse .. I love good feeders ... in the T's but also with the snakes ... I have one that always bites me when feeding because she neeeeeeeds food. Awesome.

I can go on and on ..... I bought all for one or another reason ......
The G.pulchripes,those great yellows or the H.pulchripes ... amazing colours.

If I would say one T I don't have a 'feeling/love' with is the Lasiadora. Don't know why. Got her in a mysterbox .... somehow happy it's not a LP but the looks don't differ much. But I don't know why ....

And the P.metallica is still on my WANT list because it was my first T crush. As I did't have much experience a metallica would be to much to handle ....
It wouldn't be the best looking anymore, but I still have my eyes on her ..

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