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Avic staying at bottom of cage


New Member
3 Year Member
Philadelphia PA
Hi guys.. I have a quick question.. I have a juvenile pink toe and for days now she/he hasn't been climbing at all that I've seen. It does climb on the decorations in the cage but not to the top. When I first got him/her it was always at the top. Now it's always at the bottom.. Even under a log that's in the cage. I didn't expect this from an arboreal tarantula.. But I am very new at this. Could something be wrong?


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3 Year Member
Hmmm you have only had her a few days? Could be distressing and getting used to the enclosure. Perhaps someone else would have more insight. That is my thought though.

Dustin Amack

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3 Year Member
An Avic on the ground doesn't sit well with me...a picture of your enclousure would be nice.
I have been researching my Avics and brushing up on my avic game. I have been worried from time to time as well for the same reason. My adult A. metallca hase never made the slightest web in the 6 months I've had her, however she stays on her cork slab and/or sides of the extra large critter keeper. I've been reading on humidity - which I just stick with a topped off large water bowl as well and heat,I'm at (75-80 degrees). I have good air flow, so I'm not sure why she chooses to do this. Thoughts? If I can't get her acting better, maybe i'll send her your way... :)
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Outside San Antonio, TX
I have been researching my Avics adn brushing up on my avic game. I have been worried from time to time as well for the same reason. My adult A. metallca hase never made the slightest web in the 6 months I've had her, however she stays on her cork slab and/or sides of the extra large critter keeper. I've been reading on humidity - which I just stick with a topped of large water bowl as well and heat,I'm at (75-80 degrees). I have good air flow, so I'm not sure why she chooses to do this. Thoughts? If I can't get her acting better, maybe i'll send her your way... :)
That's common behavior for avics. ;)


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The Oregon rain forest
Adult Avics sometimes won't web when rehoused until it's time to molt...which with my oldest girl was 2 years. Juvies and slings will web up a storm.

Dustin Amack

Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Adult Avics sometimes won't web when rehoused until it's time to molt...which with my oldest girl was 2 years. Juvies and slings will web up a storm.
That would explain it. I was also told that A. metallica web less that other avics. I did see one of Tom Moran's and his enclosure was entirely webbed so I was worried. I'm about to do a rehouse for her so she can get settled in.

Dave Jay

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Mt Barker South Australia
Hi guys.. I have a quick question.. I have a juvenile pink toe and for days now she/he hasn't been climbing at all that I've seen. It does climb on the decorations in the cage but not to the top. When I first got him/her it was always at the top. Now it's always at the bottom.. Even under a log that's in the cage. I didn't expect this from an arboreal tarantula.. But I am very new at this. Could something be wrong?
I don't know much about the species, but has something changed regarding temperature? Do you heat the tank at all? Has the ambient temperature in the room changed? Staying low might be a reaction to excessive heat.


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Baltimore MD
Interesting. Come to think of it my Versicolor hasn't webbed up as much.

The thing with humidity is that you can't see it until it's virtually close to 100%. That's why, despite the howls of protest, I prefer to have a humidity gauge, not to keep it high but to make sure it isn't excessive. 40 to 60 percent is about right. It should be similar to the room where the cage is, maybe just slightly more.

Yes, I know versicolor is a former Avic now but the last molt took place and the humidity was only 44 percent. Zilch problems. Full water dish!!

Gently have a fan such as a mini USB fan blow on the enclosure. If the T strongly prefers to be in the path of the breeze, it might be too humid.


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3 Year Member
Philadelphia PA
Wow.. Thank you guys for all of the great advice. I did try to put up a pic but am having trouble. So far Freddy is doing great. He/she still does go on the bottom of the cage sometimes.. The only thing I think I need to do different is get better ventilation. My cage only has top ventilation, which I'm hearing is bad. I'm working on that. We got to see Freddy take down a cricket yesterday. So I figure if it's eating then that's a great sign.

I wanted to add that when he ate the cricket he was inside a skull house hut. To me, someone brand new to this, that seems odd bc it's a tree dwelling spider. He does climb.. But there are times where he just sits in the bottom.
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