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dune scorpion

  1. A

    US Blue Death Feigning Beetles, Dune Scorpions, and more...

    Minimum order $50 for shipping. Trades considered. X15 Asbolus verrucosus (Blue Death Feigning Beetle) $10.00 per count X3 Asbolus laevis (Smooth Death Feigning Beetle) $10.00 per count X7 Cryptoglossa muricata (Black Death Feigning Beetle) $10.00 per count X10 Eleodes armata (Desert...
  2. Avicularia Kael

    My first scorpion! - Smeringurus mesaensis

    I can't get any pictures right now, but this scorpion is cool! I am keeping it around room temp for now, but I may use a heat pad or something.