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what a difference a week makes

what a difference a week makes

Ordered a B auratum - LHS is what arrived! Naturally, not very impressed and after several stroppy messages, I agreed to a "rescue" donation as was not prepared to send her* back to the vendor for refund the state it was in. Looking good 7 days in to recovery.
*listed as female but not convinced.
Good job with that poor T @Phil at least it's safe now you have it... What a dreadful thing to see a T in that state :( they should be ashamed of themselves.. Well on the road to recovery now.. Well done :)
thanks. I genuinely thought too far gone tbh but it had fight and went straight for water (twice) then first feed the morning after delivery. 3 more feeds since then but only small prey so as not to overwhelm it. Fingers crossed it continues to get better but looks positive.
Wow my brother you did an excellent job getting her back in shape! She came a long way in just 7 days this is quite astonishing! Goes to show what an extraordinary keeper that you are, kudos to you my friend! :T::beer:

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Phil's Ts in 2019
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