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i have yet to culture this species. theyre alot easier to collect via branch beating
I really like the look of them and hope to pair some. But I'm still new to pairing spiders so I've been tentative about it.
in some species you can actually introduce the male during the end of the female's 7th instar, when she is in premolt and loses interest in food. Many will even co-habit in the female's retreat prior to her ultimate molt.

Introducing the male at this period may dramatically reduce her predating upon him. Receptive females will crouch and ball up like they're scared, non-receptive females will be alert and walk boldly toward the male- pay attention to her pedipalps, if she pulls them back flush with her chelicerae, it means she's defensive and will likely bite the male.
in some species you can actually introduce the male during the end of the female's 7th instar, when she is in premolt and loses interest in food. Many will even co-habit in the female's retreat prior to her ultimate molt.

Introducing the male at this period may dramatically reduce her predating upon him. Receptive females will crouch and ball up like they're scared, non-receptive females will be alert and walk boldly toward the male- pay attention to her pedipalps, if she pulls them back flush with her chelicerae, it means she's defensive and will likely bite the male.
I really appreciate the tips. It's been rough finding info out there on this stuff, especially with the non regius or audax species. I have some hasarius adansoni to pair. I think I missed out on that premolt window though, so I'll be sure to keep an eye on the other things :) Thank you

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Other Arachnids
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Danji Isthmus
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Focal length
46.0 mm
Exposure time
1/100 second(s)
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File size
365.2 KB
Date taken
Mon, 17 May 2021 11:40 PM
638px x 800px

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