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What did I do wrong?? Regal Jumpers question


New Member
Hello everyone, if anybody can help I’d appreciate it. so around 12/19 my regal jumper laid a nice egg sack. I haven’t mated her but I did purchase her from a store who could have so I just thought maybe she was ready to lay her last sac. The first thing I noticed was that the sac detached from the top of the enclosure, so she was sitting on it being squished by the sack. Hmm possible red flag, i don’t if I did something wrong. I really did not want to disturb her at all… I would only mist the cage and offer food if she was half way out of the web sac. Then a week ago I saw her not in the web hammock at all, I thought to myself ok they must be infertile. Today I come home to her consuming the sac, well I believe that’s what she was doing. She is sticking her large fangs in the bottom. Weird thing is from the top it looks like they hatched. I don’t know! Any advice ?

Side note: I found two small babies fighting their way out of the web, so I removed the sac and her fed her a meal worm. how do I keep them alive ??



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Malton, UK
Regal jumpers are generally very good mums. The chances are she was opening the sac so they could begin to leave. I'd leave the sac with her until the little ones begin to explore further afield.


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The Oregon rain forest
They will survive quite a while on just the nutrients from egg development. Mom will keep feeding them as well. Best always to leave with mom if you don't know what your doing. Mom's have been raising babies for millions if years without our help.


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First of all, my original post wasn't roasted. I really don't know why you are commenting if you don't have any good advice to offer. Yes I am a member on another board and posted this there, as I would like any advice from those with Phidippus regius.
I responded there, the behavior is not unique to P regius. I didn't see the first few responses to be of any value nor answering your question, which is why I responded.

We welcome people being active on any and all forums, and also hope they are as active once getting answers by acknowledging the responses in all venues.

Best of luck!

EDIT: I am sorry that you felt my post above was sarcastic, it was not. It was a statement of fact that is endemic of the experience you and many others 'enjoy' on the internet.
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